From Teachers at a K-8 School in Florida:
"I find Lesson Study valuable because it puts every team member on the same page. As individuals we can look at a lesson from so many different angles. When we sit down and really dive into the lesson and figure out what we really want the students to achieve, the students have a greater chance of achieving the goals. "
"Deconstructing the lesson to decide specific teacher and student behaviors allows us to deeply analyze and thoughtfully reflect on our instructional practice to determine the level of validity and reliability embedded in lessons. Lesson Study guarantees time for structured teacher collaboration; we have an opportunity to share our ideas about essential components of a differentiated lesson addressing the diverse needs of all students."
"The value in Lesson Study stems from teacher collaboration; research shows student achievement increases when teachers are given ample time to structure student learning. It is vital that we have more time to share perspectives, best practices, question our beliefs, and observe how we deliver curriculum to our students."
"Reading the associated articles and having peer discussions was quite valuable. It is beneficial for me to hear the thoughts of my peers. It is also beneficial when we have the opportunity to validate our strategies and techniques through our peers. Because lesson planning sometimes becomes second nature, we lose sight of the process. Les-son Study has a way of making me think about what I am planning."
"Initially, I felt like lesson study was one more thing to add to an already full plate. How-ever, after going through the first round, the benefits were apparent. The process actually made us look at the what, why, and how of lesson planning in a more thorough way. It also allowed us to plan with other teachers giving us the opportunity to hear from and learn from each other."